About Me.....
I am a busy single mom of 4 kids.
I help other BUSY women by addressing the symptoms they have by getting to the ROOT CAUSE, which is usually their GUT and/or HORMONES and provide them with easy solutions to address their health issues.
The most common PROBLEMS are constipation, gas, diarrhea and acid reflux but there are many SYMPTOMS you may not realize are connected to your GUT issues like fatigue, depression, ADHD, autism, brain fog, skin problems, hormonal imbalances, uncontrollable emotions, inflammation disorders and many more.
I know what it's like to constantly be on the GO and not feel like you have enough TIME in the day to do everything you need to let alone take time to HEAL yourself. I feel blessed that I can show busy moms it IS possible to get HEALTHY by motivating, inspiring and educating them and am excited to HELP you too!
I will help you to