Your health should be a main priority in your life, so don’t let it slip through the cracks. Inspired Health and Nutrition is here to ensure that you stay on the right track to achieving all of your health goals. Whether you are looking to lose or manage weight, get to the root of a health issues, speak at your workplace, there are so many ways Inspired Health and Nutrition can help you do so.
Take a look at the health services offered below, and do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions.
Before every service I request a 15 min FREE consultation to discuss how we can work together and to send you the forms you will need before our initial consultation. Don't worry, there aren't THAT many forms!
I also offer my GREAT GUT transformation course as well as premade 4 week plans that address health issues. You can find these tab under the WORK WITH ME tab.

One On One
A Healthier You
Jumpstart your healthy habits today with an experienced and responsible Nutritionist. Whatever your current diet is, Inspired Health and Nutrition carefully evaluates each client and formulates a personalized plan based on your specific needs.
If you are struggling with a specific ailment I am happy to work with your Dr whenever possible to find the root cause of whatever you are not able to overcome through other methods and therapies.
The cost for a 45 min initial CONSULTATION, MEAL PLAN and RECOMMENDATIONS as well as a 4 week 30 min FOLLOW UP is $250.00.
Additional 30min sessions if needed $75.00
Gut Restoration Program
Want More?
Do you have serious gut issues? Have you been struggling with symptoms that affect your quality life? Have you exhausted all your options and have no where else to turn? Do you want to go another route instead of conventional medicine and medications?
If you are serious about turning your health around and are committed to making the necessary changes this will get you to your goal in 12 weeks.
Over a period of 3 months we will work together to address the root cause and figure out what your body needs in order to heal itself. Many times there are more than one body systems not working optimally together and by addressing your unhealthy gut we will also be resolving others symptoms you suffer from.

Food Sensitivity Management
Can't Eat?
Are you frustrated with your lack of food choices? Do you find it a challenge to create healthy and quick meals due to your food restrictions? Are your symptoms affect your quality of life? I can help you identify and manage and some cases eliminate your Food Allergy and Sensitivities using several different methods. If you have suspect you may have food sensitvities to foods, have already tried talking to your Dr about it to no avail or have previously tried to find the culprit to your symptoms without success this is the program for you. This specialized service will put you on the right track to healthy eating and living.
TESTING-various costs depending on method
If you just need help with recipes and meal ideas for your new (or old) specific sensitivities I can provide a 2 week MEAL PLAN, PREP instructions and recommendations you can use to help kick start the journey into your new lifestyle.
The cost for a 45 min CONSULTATION, 2 WEEK ELIMINATION MEAL PLAN and 30min FOLLOW UP is $225.00
Contact me to discuss which plan suits your unique needs.
Weight Loss Counselling
Get Fit, Get Lean
Have you recently gained weight? Have you always been overweight? Have you gone through changes in your life that have caused you to get off track?
Let's set some goals together and get your body to a place where you are happy with it! This is not just going to be a temporary diet, I will help you reset your thinking and get you on the track to LOVING HEALTHY LIVING! I can help you with substitutions for some of your guilty pleasures and I can introduce you to new foods you may not have tried before. I will work with you to make this process as enjoyable and painless as possible, if you want flavour full foods and no kale smoothies then this plan is for you!!!
The cost for a 30min initial CONSULTATION, MEAL PLAN and 30min FOLLOW UP is $200.00

Dealing With A Picky Eater
Kids Driving You Nuts?
Do you have a child (or two) that refuses to eat the foods you prepare? Do they only want to eat chicken nuggets and alphaghettis every meal of the day? If you do I know your pain because I have one of those too. Let me give you some suggestions and alternatives so you feel confident they are getting more nutritious foods and are not lacking in any vitamins or minerals they need for their growing bodies. I will work with you and your child to slowly introduce more foods into their diet and get them on the path to eating a more balanced diet.
The cost of a 45min initial CONSULTATION, MEAL PLAN and 30 min FOLLOW UP is $200.00
Additional 30 min sessions if needed are $75.00.
Sports Nutrition
Achieve Your Potential
Are you having trouble hitting your goals, do you feel you aren't achieving your potential, you aren't hitting the goals you want or you have medal in mind you want to earn? Sports Nutrition can be one of the keys to a stronger, leaner and faster body. I can offer strategic tools and techniques to help clients achieve their fitness and sport goals. After several personalized sessions, you’ll become well-versed at making the best food-related decisions to improve your performance. Don’t wait to schedule your session today.
The cost for a 45 min initial CONSULTATION, GOAL SETTING, MEAL PLAN and 2 X 30min FOLLOW UP sessions is $425.00

Workplace Wellness
Healthy Happy Workers
When employee health and nutrition are not maximized, employers have higher health benefit costs and experience more employee absenteeism, safety concerns and lost productivity. Studies have shown that factors like low blood sugars and imbalanced meals lead to poor concentration. Good nutrition can lead to an increase in energy level, cogntivity ability and lower levels of stress. Studies repeatedly show that healthier, less stressed out employees are happier, more creative and ultimately more productive. Employee productivity is one of the key factors businesses cite to improve profits and reduce costs. Nutrition is one of the most important yet neglected components of health and safety initiatives and workplace wellness programs. Access to credible wellness information and practical healthy eating resources that takes the science of nutrition and translates this into everyday meal planning solutions is key. Companies such as Facebook, Amazon, Google, Allstate, Loblaws and many more have implemented measures such as In house wellness programs complete with apps and rewards, fitness challenges and meal planning seminars.
Contact me to discuss how I can help your employees and increase your productivity.
Nutrition Education
Happy Healthy Families
Would your organization like to educate parents and/or children on how to eat healthy? Is your mission to help families get healthy on a budget? Do you work with new Canadians that want to learn how to cook with new foods?
I can put together a short presentation or create a course for you. We can work together to create content that will fit with the needs of your organization.
Contact me to discuss prices.
I will help you to